2018 – Year in Review

2018 Year in Review. Nine photos in a collage that symbolize Breana's year.

2018 was the year of Breaking Open

What dreams came true – big and small?

  • Got my own apartment!
  • Transitioned to homeschooling Kiran
  • Presented at Street Leverage Live and the Canada VRS Summit
  • Found the love of my life
  • Stopped traveling for work – my family is happier!

What lessons did I learn?

  • How to be with myself through pain so big I didn’t think I could bear it
  • How to be vulnerable and honest with those closest to me, and how magically that opens the door to deeper connection (always a work in progress)
  • I can support myself and my kids on my own

I appreciate 2018 for:

  • Expanding and deepening my well of strength and my sense of what I can handle
  • Bringing me this friendship with Christopher that grew into a deep nourishing love
  • Showing me miracles and magic – the unseen forces at work in the dark times
  • Highlighting our support system and the big love that surrounds us
  • Bringing me closer to Source, feeling more trust and more peace

Quote of the Year:

Most influential book I read:

The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, Debbie Ford Debbie Ford quote: "Embracing our dark side gives us a new found freedom to be with the darkness in others. For when I can love all of me, I will love all of you."

Favorite movie of the year:

The Heretic

Most played song:

Clay, Manatee Commune


2018 held my highest high and lowest low. So much grief and joy in one year. I am a better parent because of it. A better friend, partner, lover and human. I am grateful…so fucking grateful.

I forgive myself for the debt and the extra weight. I accept it with love and feel better prepared to face it and learn from it and thrive through it in 2019.

Curbing my worry has been one of my biggest challenges. Learning to set healthy boundaries and hold empathy, without trying to control others or the outcome is still a work in progress I look forward to developing more this year.

Let your heart break daily quote by #iamhertribe

This is a tiny part of the New Year transition reflecting and planning that I do. Over the years I’ve used many resources, my favorite of which was the book Your Best Year Yet! — until I discovered Leonie Dawson this year and decided to try her My Shining Year workbooks.

Friends let me tell you: I am in L O V E!

If you don’t have an annual review and dreaming ritual yet, get yourself these workbooks and dive right in. She makes it fun and so effective.

Breana's legs and feet on the couch with a workbook in her lap titled "My Shining Year Life Goals Workbook" by Leonie Dawson

I would love to hear from you in the comments: 

What rituals or practices do you have for closing out one year and embracing the next?

Until next time, dear ones, so much love.

xo, Breana

4 thoughts on “2018 – Year in Review

  1. Amelie Watson

    I love this so much. And love you, dear sister. I’m glad I got to be with you through some of the ups and downs of the past year– it was definitely a profound one for all of us. Thank you for the continued inspiration. You are a brilliant source of light in this world!

  2. AnnIe Haynes

    Breathe. That is my “If I do nothing else”, what should I do – answer. Sometimes this means “take a beat” before I respond.. and then that breath, that second, that moment of reconsideration-breathing stops me from “the wasted exercise” of jumping to conclusions.
    At the very most, I allow my “halt” breath to be 24 hours. I get a considerably better attitude when I step away from the fray.

    1. breanacrosshall Post author

      Beautiful, Annie. Thank you for this. What a wise reminder…such a simple habit, and so very powerful.


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