It’s a New Year: CREATE

Picture shows a bowl which has been broken and put back together with gold. It says: "kintsukuroi: to repair with gold, the art of repairing pottery with gold or silver lacquer and understanding that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken."

I’m entering 2019 with a stronger heart. A more resilient heart. A heart that has been cracked wide open, has nothing left to lose, and yet cradles the most precious treasures in her soft velvety folds.

From this place of wholehearted openness, I set my intentions for this new year.

I claim 2019 as a year of deep joyful peace. A year where abundance freely flows, where I am connected and present with myself and my loves. Where I am clear and focused about my work and priorities. Where my simple, strong, abundant business thrives. Where my kids are happy and connected.

This year, I release worry. Draining, hole-digging, useless worry. I ask: What is my business here? What is mine to do? What can I appreciate about this situation? I release the rest.

I embrace creativity. Going deep instead of spreading thin and wide. Loving myself even more. Listening to my intuition.

Hand lettered picture with bright flowers drawn along the sides: "Create what sets your heart on fire and it will illuminate the path ahead."

I seek to CREATE consciously, in everything I do. Untethering my curiosity and self-expression, I allow my ideas space in my tangible world. I make time for art, I give birth to my visions, and I listen inside for the quiet whispers of direction.

The material Life provides is curated just for me. I trust this path and all that appears on it. I use it as fodder for my creation, weaving heartbreak with joy, confusion with comfort, light and dark — all synergizing to form a stronger, richer, more brilliant tapestry.

Will you join me?

Here are some questions to contemplate:

What is your guiding word for 2019?
What wants to be expressed through you this year?
What’s no longer serving you, that you’re ready to leave behind?

Thank you for being a part of this journey with me. Sending you so much love along your way.
xo, Breana

PS: If your 2019 goals include making more time for yourself, getting clear on your boundaries, moving toward joy and peace, or just generally loving your life and your self more — check out Burnout Proof Bootcamp. Our next session begins January 23rd, offers 1.5 GS CEUs for interpreters, and boasts a long list of rave reviews for its life-changing effects. 💖

4 thoughts on “It’s a New Year: CREATE

  1. Chris

    Thank you for this post! That last paragraph is so good, and resonates deeply with me.

    My guiding word for 2019 was success…but it seems to be shifting, I’m feeling more into the words light and love.

    I feel like there’s an energy of creativity that is boiling inside, asking to be expressed, and I am excited to see how this develops over the upcoming months,

    I’m constantly trying to shed limiting beliefs, self doubt, and worry…I’m ready to leave those things behind, but I know there is plenty of work ahead of me to overcome these old habits.

    1. breanacrosshall Post author

      I love being a part of this journey with you, Chris. I see how you began with “success”, and now are drilling down and becoming more clear on what that looks and feels like. Creativity, love, light, expression, growth, new habits…it’s all here! So excited to watch this unfold with you.

    1. breanacrosshall Post author

      I love how you are applying this to every area of your life and embracing the new challenges!!


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